
[Video]Virtual Machine Detection using JavaScript | Malware | Browser Exploit

[Video]Reflective Dll Injection Explained in 10 Minutes Malware Techniques

Dll Injection Explained in 10 Minutes | Video Tutorial | Basic Malware Techniques Simplified

My First $15,000 Microsoft Windows Insider Preview Bug Bounty | How to Get Started

Dynamic Binary Instrumentation(DBI)Tutorial with Intel PIN for Reverse Engineering Video

Fixing Windbg Broken Stack Trace using Fake Debugging Symbol Exported From IDA Pro.

Frida Video Tutorial Series for Reverse Engineers

Video Tutorial Series on Python Winappdbg for Reverse Engineers

Ranked #32 in Microsoft’s Top 100 Security Researchers - BlackHat USA 2018

The Art of Large Scale Cumulative Binary Diffing

My BlackHat Europe 2017 Talk: THE GREAT ESCAPES OF VMWARE

My BruCON'17 Talk: Browser Exploits? Grab ’em by the Collar!

OpenXMolar - A MS OpenXML Format Fuzzing Framework